Monday, July 05, 2021

Allen West. Q sent him to run for Texas Governor

Former military, former teacher, former Congressman, and former Chair of the Texas Republican Party, nut job Allen West has thrown his hat into the ring for Governor against billionaire Huffines, and Trump ass kisser Greg Abbott. Abbott's ass kissing has earned him the endorsement of trump.

West was forced to retire from the military after an incident in Afghanistan. He spent a year as a high school teacher then served only one term as a tea party congressman. He moved to Texas where the Republican Party endorsed his losing credentials and elected him as the Chair. That lasted less than a year. He is now running for Governor.

I would bet he will run far right of Abbott moving Abbott even further right in order to lock in the Qanon vote. Not quite sure how much further the state can go. before Texans wake up thinking they are in a Mexican city ruled by a cartel. Maybe both will run on open carry for high school students in their high school. Who knows. 

It should be fun to watch.

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