I do not know Justin Hicks, Councilman for League City, but he is meddling in the legal issues of CCISD and leading the crazies with false information.
After losing the election for School Board, Misty Dawson filed suit claiming (wait for it.....) election fraud, not against CCISD, but against her opponent, Jessica Cejka, demanding a new election and $100,000. At first the CCISD School Board could not agree on whether to fund the defense of Jessica Cejka. At the regular meeting a motion to fund failed by a tied vote with Trustee Scott Bowen leading the "no" votes and Jessica Cejka recusing herself.
At a special meeting this week the board voted to fund the defense of the School District since the lawsuit referenced the election that was conducted by CCISD personnel. Hicks, in a recent Facebook post, claims this funding is illegal. Hicks is an engineer and might have obtained his law degree from Facebook University. His post includes:
This is a violation of Texas Penal code Chapter 39.02, and it is likely a felony on
the school's part as well as for Jessica Cejka to accept the funds and help.
What I need you to do: Email the entire board and tell them to NOT use taxpayer
funds to defend a personal civil suit (felony). And also remind Jessica Cejka to
recuse herself from this vote as it is a HUGE conflict of interest.... Please do this
before Monday 7/25 and let the board know we don't appreciate this illegal and
unethical abuse of taxpayer funds.
After consulting with REAL legal counsel, the CCISD Board voted, unanimously, to fund the defense of CCISD with some restrictions. Even Hicks' buddy Scott Bowen voted in favor of the resolution. Hicks makes not mention of the grievance filed against Bowen for....wait for it.....conflict of interest in this legal situation.
So Hicks needs to either go back and take a refresher course on Facebook U, or just shut the f*uck up.
The entire Facebook thread can be viewed here.
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