Friday, July 02, 2021

Another Trump brown nose enters the race: Galveston County Judge Mark Henry

There is nothing worse or more embarrassing than a ass kisser, especially in Texas. Galveston County Judge Mark Henry joins the race and sticks his nose up trump's butt in a way that would make any Texan blush.

Galveston County Judge Mark Henry has committed $6.6 million from county funds to building the border wall that won't be built in order to please his shadow president and Governor Abbott who also has his head stuck up trump's butt looking for votes. According to the Houston Chronicle:

The order also dedicated up to $6.6 million, or 10 percent, of the funds allocated to the county through the American Rescue Plan to help with the construction of a permanent border wall once a plan is finalized, Henry said. Additionally, the order established a task force that will coordinate with the state Department of Public Safety to determine how law enforcement can best help at the border.
Texas has a long history of calling out kiss asses. We ridicule them. We call them suck ups, boot lickers, brown losers, and more. Now the once great Republican Party is racing to kiss the loser's ass in order to gain his support. What a bunch of cowards.

Henry joins Governor Abbott, Texas Attorney General Paxton and Land Commissioner Pedro Bush in the race to kiss ass.

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