Thursday, May 31, 2018

If you have Breeze Energy....they have left Texas

My suggestion is to find a new electricity reseller immediately. From KPRC:

HOUSTON - After nearly 20 years in business in the state of Texas, it's lights out for Breeze Energy.The Electric Reliability Council of Texas pulled the plug on the power provider Wednesday after it learned the company was not meeting mandated financial requirements to remain feasible.But that also meant the process to immediately shift nearly 10,000 customers to other providers was initiated without the rates those customers had negotiated with Breeze. Those new providers are referred to as "providers of last resort" or "POLR."
For those Currently with Breeze you will be transferred to a POLR which according to Electric Choice is Reliant Energy. Their rates are anywhere from 14 cents to 23 cents/kWh depending just how you look at their Electricity Facts Sheet.

According to the PUC:
The Commission has designated Providers of Last Resort (POLR) as a back-up electric service provider in each area of Texas open to competition. POLR service is relatively high-priced, due to the costs associated with planning and the risk of serving an uncertain number of customers with uncertain electricity loads. POLR service is a safety net for customers whose chosen REP is unable to continue service. This service is intended to be temporary and used only under rare circumstances when a REP is unable to provide service, or when a customer requests POLR service.
So switch now and avoid the high priced POLD or else you will be SOL.

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