Monday, June 04, 2018

Tx Ag Commissioner, Sid Miller, to apologize for C word comment

It's hard to make this stuff up.

For immediate release
June 6, 2018

From the desk of Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner

As an elected official of the great State of Texas, I have a responsibility to uphold the Constitution of the United States and Texas as well as represent the Office of the Agriculture Commission. Recently I have failed in one aspect of my duties.

In the past I have used a very derogatory comment towards female political opponents. Although I cannot defend my actions I would like to provide background for consideration.

I was raised on a rural farm. We were simple people, waking at the crack of dawn, working in the hot sun, and enjoying a cold glass of lemonade at the end of a very long day. We would go to church to praise our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior on Sundays as God wanted us to. We didn't have internet, social media, or twitter. Instead we relied on talking with our friends face to face including those we disagree with.

I went on to raise horses and ride in the rodeo. I was considered just an ole, simple minded, Christian, country bumpkin with a hat bigger than my head. Unfortunately this continues to this day resulting in my unfortunate use of the word C*** when referring to a female politician. For this I apologize.

In the future I will work to uphold the laws of the State, the word of the Lord, and the wisdom of family values and will use other words like bitch or whore.

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