Thursday, March 18, 2021

State Representative Dennis Paul's HB1725 will end drop off boxes for voting


Yet another example of #NoPlaceButTexas. This is truly embarrassing.

Today House Bill 1725 will be heard in committee by Representative Dennis Paul. The bill will end the use of drop off boxes or drop off sites for mail in ballots. It begs the question "Why?". Drop off boxes are in use in 40 states leaving Texas in a minority. Again. Voters can sit at the table, make their choices, then drop off their ballots while taking a walk to the grocery store. Here in Texas, or at least in Harris County, voters had the option of dropping the ballot off at their local county court house or at a drive through facility. They also had the opportunity to mail it.

Dennis Paul defended this stupidity with an email to his constituents:

If a person has the ability to make an in-person appearance, they are able to vote in person just as easily.  Those who are disabled, sick, elderly, and those who have lost faith in the USPS, can stand in long lines and sweat like a pig to vote like everyone else. 

OK. The last sentence wasn't exactly what he said but you get the idea. The bill will be heard this morning. I am interested in hearing Paul stoop to a new low by carrying Abbotts political laundry.

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