Tuesday, March 09, 2021

My outdoor covered patio paid for by USAA

We just completed an outdoor patio. The contractor did a GREAT job! If you are in the Clear Lake area and are interested in his contact information email me at johncoby@sbcglobal.net. His crew was fast, very professional, and the results are fantastic! So how did USAA get involved? Glad you asked.

Ceiling fan, lights, power for a TV.

Paving stones, stones around the base

Last year USAA raised my home insurance from $4000/year to $5000. I have been with USAA for over 25 years so it was difficult to leave because I believed they would always take care of their members of the Armed Forces. I was wrong. I eventually found a better policy for $3000/year and I also switched my cars to GEICO for another substantial reduction. 

When I joined USAA they created a Subscribers Savings Account for me. Periodically they would send a check from this account during years of low activity. Members do not put money into this account, USAA does. Mine grew to over $14,000 after 25 years. Six months after I left USAA sent me the balance of this account. I used it to buy the USAA patio.

So raising my rates by 25% was actually a good thing. In a strange way.

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