Saturday, February 13, 2021

State Representative Dennis Paul leading the way on voting restrictions HB 1725

State Representative Dennis Paul lives a block from my house. At times I want to just knock on his door in order to talk to him since his staff is not responsive. The filing of HB1725 makes me want to just that.

HB 1725 is one of those bills that makes you want to ask "What idiot thought of this idea?". Seriously. During the 2020 election the request for mail in ballots exploded due to the COVID pandemic. Couple that with the self inflicted problems with the US Postal Service many counties, including Harris, allowed multiple drop off locations for voters to hand deliver their ballot.

Dennis Paul wants to end this practice. In his defense of his bill he offers the following:

If a person has the ability to make an in-person appearance, they are able to vote in person just as easily.  A person who votes by mail because they are not able to vote in person should only return their ballot by mail or by common carrier.

This is a point, not a good one, but a point nevertheless but why? Other states gives voters the ability to drop off their ballot at multiple locations and to track the ballot. In Washington DC you can find a kiosk within walking distance to drop off your ballot. Why make it harder to vote no matter what party you support?

Why? Because the more people who vote the more vulnerable those in power become. Harris County had drop off locations throughout the county but those in power restricted the practice to only 1 location. They just can't win when people vote.

Wanna contact your State Rep?

District: 129
Capitol Office: CAP GN.10
Capitol Address: P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0734
District Address: 17225 El Camino Real, Suite 415
Houston, TX 77058
District Phone: (281) 488-8900

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