Monday, November 30, 2020

Better late than never: Harris County Republican Party Chair resigns.


It should have taken this long. From the Houston Chronicle:

Harris County Republican Party Chairman Keith Nielsen resigned Monday, the party’s secretary confirmed, ending a brief tenure dogged by his social media post that displayed a Martin Luther King Jr. quote next to a banana.

Yep, I'm not sure how anyone could have possibly thought that a meme with a banana next to a quote from Martin Luther King Jr wasn't racist. I gave my thoughts when it happened. Maybe he was making a fruit salad when BOOM an MLK quote popped up in his face and distributed on social media. Whatever he was thinking at the time resulted in him getting fired from his job with Pasadena.

He decided to dick it out as chair instead of resigning prior to the election. Since then his party lost every seat in Harris County except for one. According to the Texas Ethics Commission his party is near broke, and they have become as popular as herpes at a hot tub party.

So, he has left the building hopefully taking all of his extreme right wing, conspiracy theorists with him. Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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