Saturday, October 31, 2020

Why? Houston Firefighter Union President attending Super Spreader event

You have to wonder what the hell Patrick "Marty" Lancton the President of the Houston Firefighters Union is thinking.

The Harris County Republican Party is advertising a rally at the Bayou Event Center in Houston this Sunday. Lancton is one of the featured speakers. He might want to reconsider his participation. He should be reminded that the chair, Keith Nielsen, posted a racist meme after the killing of George Floyd. For this he lost his job as the Pasadena Planning Commissioner and many have asked him to resign including Congressman Crenshaw, Brady, McCaul, Lt Governor Patrick, and 149 members of the Executive Committee.

The event has attracted The Who's Who of Who's Dat including Miss Venezuela 1994. The lead attraction is a congressman from Galveston county. So far none of the other republicans running in the area are willing to share the stage or the meme with Nielsen.

You have to wonder what Lancton's thought process is. He is the president of the firefighters union representing a diverse group of men and women in one of the most diverse cities in the country. He has no business associating with the chair who has this racist stain in his past.

I've asked for a comment from the Union's Communications Director. 

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