Thursday, October 08, 2020

Not Raising Campaign Cash: Harris County Republicans

I recently wrote about the Harris County Republican Party having only $1760.05 in their account as opposed to $800,000 this time two years ago and $450,000 4 years ago. What happened? Well it might be that their Chair, Keith Nielsen was asked to resign after his racist post on Facebook. Unfortunately according to reports filed with Harris County their candidates aren't doing very well either! 

John Nation County Attorney$0.00$0.00
Chris DanielDistrict Clerk$0.00$0.00
Mary HuffmanDistrict Attorney$1,600.00$1,600.00
Stan StanartCounty Clerk$4,095.00$25,394.00
Joe DannaSheriff$15,913.00$8,781.00

Nation hasn't raised any money, has no money, but loaned himself $16.10 to pay for a notary and certified mail for his report.

Mary Huffman raised $1600 then donated that amount to Kingdom Builders.

Daniel raised no money but spent $5070 out of his own pocket.

Joe Dana running for Harris County Sheriff was the only one who raised any money. According to his report he raised $15,913 ($10,500 from just 4 individuals) and has $8781 cash on hand. He has $21,716 in in-kind donations for a car and an outdoor LED sign. He also spent $18,000 of his own money with a credit card.

Stan Stanart raised $4095 and has $25,394. Stanart, like the Chair, shared a racist post 4 years ago. He lost.

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