Monday, July 06, 2020

When you stop at Bucee's for beaver nuts

You would think the owners of Bucee's would be left of center in their political views. After all it seems like they pay well, provide health insurance, and generally treat their employees well. (seems like it!) But looking at the owner's campaign contributions might say something else.

According to the Texas Ethics Commission Donald Wasek and Arch Beaver Aplin have donated a total of about $1.5 Million to republicans. One third of Wasek's donations, $150,000 went to Texas Attorney General. $117,500 went to the Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen. $51,000 went to Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller. He also donated $56,000 to John Cornyn's PAC and $45,000 to the Republican Party.

Aplin's biggest donations went to Greg Abbott for $575,000 and Dan Patrick for $250,000.

So the next time you stop at Bucee's to stuff your face with Beaver nuts remember where your money is going.

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