Wednesday, September 18, 2019

When liars lie just like Trump. Tony Buzbee and Bill King

It's the new campaign strategy for the Republican Party. Lie. Just lie. Over and over again. 

The Houston Chronicle quickly fact checked Tony Buzbee and Bill King when they made claims about Houston crime statistics:
“I know what’s going on in this city,” Buzbee said. “Don’t tell me crime is going down when everybody across the country knows that Houston is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States.” 
Bill King, another prominent mayoral contender, has decried a “growing randomness and violence to crime that alarms people.”
According to the Chronicle this simply isn't true. The article cites multiple crime statistics showing Houston's crime had dropped and we, by far, are not one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. But this is what Trump candidates do. They lie and they repeat their lies. They know that the era of just plain lying works. Look at their leader, Trump. He lies on a daily basis. He is now lying about the lies he has previously lied about. It is a way of life for Trump. And Buzbee. And King.

Tony Buzbee and Bill King are just following the republican game plan. Lie. Look straight at the camera and lie. Like Trump, Buzbee has become good at this, taking a single personal experience and claiming it represents the entire city. It's a great Trump move.
“Have you had a break-in?” he said, in response to questions about his statements. “Have you had your car window smashed in? Most of the time, the police do not respond to these types of crimes, and they rarely get solved.”
The Chronicle cites multiple statistics to debunk his stupidity. Too many to quote here. 

And I'm not lying.


Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought we had an epidemic of gun violence that demands action.


Anonymous said...

You aint the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

Anonymous said...

I understand the statement as the fact that crime is down isn't a big deal because it is still bad.

From CBS:
"The city violent crime rate for Houston in 2016 was higher than the national violent crime rate average by 158.49% and the city property crime rate in Houston was higher than the national property crime rate average by 76.29%.

In 2016 the city violent crime rate in Houston was higher than the violent crime rate in Texas by 136.27% and the city property crime rate in Houston was higher than the property crime rate in Texas by 56.55%."

Bay Area Houston said...

And compare that to the Houston Chronicle. Someone is not telling the truth.

Probably Buzbee.