Wednesday, May 02, 2018

I'm retired. Bitches.

Give me a bit to explain the "bitches" reference.

We have a pretty close group of neighbors. Most are just a tad younger than us. In fact they are young enough to be our kids and they drink like them too! One day we were gathering at our regular place on the driveway and I walked up and said "What's up bitches?". Everyone got a laugh out of it so that sort of stuck. My neighbor gave me this great kitchen towel that seems appropriate. Thanks Amber!

But, back to the intent of this post. I retired from NASA last Friday after 29.5 years. I was going to wait till December but a friend of mine who is retiring in May said "What are you waiting for? Life is too short." He is right. I left. Thank you NASA for the 29.5 years!

So now I intend to blog more and I have no boundaries or limitations, as if I had any to begin with. I intend to continue to be full of wit and I might even speak out about NASA and the trip to Mars that isn't going to happen any time soon, and how SpaceX history of massive failures should be a wakeup call for many, especially the astronauts. I look forward to looking over campaign finance reports and restarting my "Spending Campaign Cash" series and voicing opinions on people who wake up and decide to run for an office they know nothing about. I might even start shaming the Hispanic Community because they do not vote their strength because nothing else has seemed to work. I also will continue blogging about consumer issues. I might even go to Austin next year to discuss issues with elected officials. I look forward to it all.

So, I am back. Bitches.

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