Wednesday, April 25, 2018

If Texas Senator Ted Cruz was at the Alamo.....

There are questions about whether Travis actually drew a line in the sand asking for volunteers to stay and defend the Alamo. According to stories, everyone crossed the line except for one.

As many in Texas know, Ted Cruz is for Ted Cruz. If Ted Cruz was at the Alamo and that line had been drawn he would have been the first to push to the end of the line and out the gate. Cruz has a history of running away from a fight. He is like the guy in high school that instigates a fight then is the first to run away from it. He truly is a Texas sized weasel.

When Trump said incredible nasty things about his father and wife, Cruz took to the cameras, made a big scene, called Trump a sniveling coward and a serial liar. You can watch that here. That was then but this is now. Cruz has recently written praises for trump's capability to disrupt and upend the "status quo" in a Time Magazine article. No matter what Trump does, Cruz will support him.....until it doesn't help him with his re-election. Trump can count on Ted to jump across that line and run when it benefits him.

Cruz talks about being "Tough as Texas". He is anything but tough. He is a weasel. He is a coward. No one likes him. He is in it just for himself. If he can't defend his own family, how can you expect him to defend yours?

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