Sunday, May 15, 2022

Texas State Representative Dennis Paul digs deep to offer help to the New York shooting victims

State Representative Dennis Paul will be attending church today in preparing to offer support to the victim's families of the New York shooting.

Texas State Representative Dennis Paul has provided thoughts and prayers to the victims in the Sutherland Church shooting, the El Paso shooting, and the Fort Hood shooting. He proudly stood with other Texas officials at Santa Fe High school offering an endless supply of his own thoughts and prayers to the 10 kids killed. A total of 73 Texans lost their lives in these Texas shootings. These shootings drained Paul's supply of thoughts and prayers but he stood strong with the support of his church, St Bernadette's unlimited supply of thoughts and prayers.

Paul reached deep into his thoughts and prayers basket from his church for the 20 grade school kids shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He went even deeper to provide thoughts and prayers to those killed in the Las Vegas shooting and the Orlando Nightclub shooting, and the high school kids at Stoneman Douglas High School.

And now on Sunday Dennis Paul will be attending mass and once again digging deep into the thoughts and prayers basket to offer to the families of the victims in the New York shooting. 10 Americans were killed in a racially motivated attack at a shopping center. Paul will be rushing his thoughts and prayers to the families right before attending the NRA convention in Houston.

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