Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Where City Council Members stand on Greg Travis

I've received and read where each member of Houston City Council stands on the issue of CM Greg Travis racist comments. Here are the results. I will update as I hear from them. I asked each of them the following question. What is your position on the racist comments made by CM Greg Travis? 

1) Called for his resignation
2) Demanded an apology
3) Called for censure
4) Other, please identify 

Council MemberDistrictPosition
Mayor TurnerMayorDisappointed 
Amy PeckADisagreed with him
Tarsha JacksonBNo Response
Abbie KaminCUnacceptable
Carolyn Evans-ShabazzDCalled for his resignation
Dave MartinERemove the post. Apologize
Tiffany ThomasFCalls for censure
Karla CisnerosHNo Response
Robert GallegosINo Response
Edward PollardJNo Response
Matha Vcastex-TatumKNo Response
Mke KnoxAt Large 1No Response
David RobinsonAt Large 2No Response
Michael KuboshAt Large 3No Response
Letiticia PlummerAt Large 4Called for his resignation
Sally AlcornAt Large 5Disappointed 

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