Monday, July 20, 2020

Will CCISD send your kids to COVID Classes? Tune in today

The Clear Creek Independent School District will have a special meeting to discuss sending our kids, teachers, friends, relatives, and neighbors to COVID Classes in mid August. With an out of control pandemic the Trustees have a big decision to make.

They could delay opening opting for virtual learning until the virus is under control like HISD has done and many other school districts. Or they can follow the leadership of President Trump and Governor Abbott and re-opening the classrooms. I hope they remember how re-opening Texas turned out. Texas is now a hotspot for infections. Over 4000 Texans have died. Our hospitals are at capacity. Our health care workers are over worked. Our parents are scared. (and should be)

The Trustees probably have their minds made up already and teachers will be the next group of people to be sacrificed to the COVID god. You would think that a group of Trustees (minus 1) that claims to be science based would realize that sending students and teachers into a classroom is just plain stupid. It's not ignorant. It's stupid.

You can watch the meeting today at 4:30 here:

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