Saturday, September 22, 2018

Nothing is too low for Clear Lake Republicans

It's getting to be a pattern with the members of the republic party.

From the Houston Chronicle
First we had the Fort Bend Republic Party stooping to a new low as they reached out to Hindu-Americans in an ill conceived ad
The ad appeared to be an attempt to reach out to Hindus on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi and urged Hindu American voters in the county to vote Republican by asking “Would you worship a donkey or an elephant? The choice is yours.”
The party has since apologized for it. Now we have the republicans in Clear Lake showing, once again, their true white colors with the backing of the tea baggers of the area attacking a parent of one of the Sante Fe shooting victims. Rhonda Hart attended a gathering with Ted Cruz and his white supporters after he unveiled the new Space Force uniforms at NASA designed by Ivanka Trump Inc. After confronting Cruz as a parent who lost their child to gun violence, the tea baggers shouted her down. From KTRK:
Rhonda Hart stormed the crowded room at Franca's Italian Restaurant. She stood on a chair and shouted, "Don't disrespect my daughter. My daughter died. My daughter died."
Some in the crowd reacted harshly. Cruz, a Republican, calmed them down and offered his condolences. 
"You still have not introduced common-sense reform," Hart yelled.
Ms Hart is right. Besides thoughts and prayers and photo ops at the sites of the massacres, Cruz and the Republic Party hasn't done a thing to prevent gun violence since the shooting in Santa Fe, or Sutherland, or Orlando, Las Vegas, or even Sandy Hook where 20 kindergarten kids were gunned down. They have done nothing. Absolutely nothing.

These so called "conservatives" in the Clear Lake republicans continued their harsh attacks towards a mother who lost her child in the comments sections of the Houston Chronicle:
A naive tool of the left, sorry for your loss and for your lack of how gun laws and the second amendment work. Find something useful to do with your life or move to Chicago and work on the guns laws there. 
AM sorry her daughter died. But am more sorry for the death of freedoms. 
So now she had her 5 minutes of fame to prove that she doesn't know what she's talking about and the chronicle tried to sensationalize it to promote the fake Mexican Beto!
Sorry Libs, the NRA and Ted have never shot anybody. 

And those are just a few of the nasty comments left by the right. Like the republicans in Fort Bend, there is nothing too low for the republicans in Clear Lake. Nothing. 

Unlike Fort Bend, don't expect an apology from the Clear Lake republicans.

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