Saturday, August 01, 2020

Fort Bend Sheriff Troy Nehls racial profiling Latinos

Nehls is second from the left
As I thought, Troy Nehls is a perfect candidate to represent the Republican Party. I've heard things. Here is another one. Turns out his deputies are racial profiling Latinos. From the Houston Chronicle:

An analysis of traffic stops made over the past two years by [Deputy Aaron] Gillory shows just under 98 percent of the drivers he pulled over were Hispanic. Gillory searched 187 of the vehicles, all but two driven by Hispanics; 94 percent of the time the searches came to nothing.

Nehls is running for Congress in CD22 one of the most diverse district in the country. His deputies were caught stopping Latinos for traveling 2 MPH over the speed limit then making up a bullshit story to search their vehicles. These are Nehls deputies. These are Nehls policies. Like Trump, this is who Nehls is. 

The Republican Party has become a magnet for racists, skin heads, and white supremacists. Nehls is running in the right party.

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