Thursday, July 30, 2020

Louie Gohmert. The Texas Aggie Joke

It's karma. It's deserving. It's almost funny, if it wasn't so serious. From the Houston Chronicle:
U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, has tested positive for the new coronavirus, Politico and ABC News confirmed Wednesday morning. 
Gohmert, who spends ample time on the U.S. House floor without a mask, was one of several Texas officials scheduled to fly to West Texas this afternoon with President Donald Trump, Politico reported. He reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 during a pre-screen at the White House.
Gohmert is a bad Aggie Joke. He graduated from Texas A&M in 1975, was in the Corps of Cadets, and a Brigade Commander. He was able to win his seat in congress after Tom Delay and the Republican Party re-redistricted the state providing a safe, solid republican district, one he would never have to seriously defend. His constituents in return got Louie, the Aggie Joke. He has accomplished about as much Bernie Sanders, passing only 1 bill in 16 years,

He along with Congressman Gym Jordon is the Beavis and Butthead of Congress. He is a clown and acts like one during hearings. He is like Trump using racists language like "Terror babies". He makes unsubstantiated claims about immigrants and other subjects. He routinely refuses interviews except to be on Fox News. He is the boot licker of the House for Donald Trump.

Gohmert is a racist joke. He represents his district well.

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