Thursday, May 02, 2019

FYI: Tony Buzbee is a Republican. When he needs to be.

Buzbee is playing both sides.

Mary Hamon, Communications Director for Tony Buzbee questioned the owner of a spreadsheet which listed Tony Buzbee as a Republican and asked that it be changed to "Independent". Here is the request via Erik:

The spreadsheet will not be changed and for good reasons. Buzbee used to be a Democrat. He was the Chair of the Galveston County Democratic Party for a short time. He ran against Larry Taylor for State Representative. That was all before he became very wealthy. Then he switched to the Republican Party.

As I have said before:
In 2016 Buzbee gave the Trump Victory Fund $250,000. He held a fundraiser for Trump at his home in River Oaks. He donated $35,000 to Trump's PAC and $165,000 to the RNC. He then donated $500,000 to Trump's inauguration

But that is not all. Since 2015 Buzbee has become the sugar daddy of a number of state parties donating $110,000 to the Republican Party in 11 different states. He has donated over $1,000,000 to various candidates including $308,000 to Greg Abbott and $80,000 to Rick Perry.

On top of that Buzbee is courting the Houston Pastors Council, and extreme right wing, of the Republican Party that prides themselves in attacks on the gay community.

Buzbee is also playing both sides. He donated $110,000 to the Harris County Democratic Party and tens of thousands to various judicial candidates which resulted in every Republican judge to be ousted from their court. He played the Republican Party. Idiots.

So is Buzbee a republican? You're damn right he is. His support of trump and the Pastors Council should disqualify him for Mayor and solidify him as another politically ignorant ahole.

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