Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Who is Tony Buzbee?

Photo by Click2Houston
You might have heard about Tony Buzbee possibly running for Mayor of Houston. You might also have heard he has offered to mediate between the Houston Fire Fighters and the City of Houston concerning the recent equal pay proposition that passed. This seems to be a major conflict of interest since he is considering a run for Mayor. So who is Tony Buzbee?

Buzbee is a politically ignorant, wealthy, "tell it like it is", not a politician, lawyer who intends to self finance a run for Mayor of Houston, a political office. Sound familiar? It should. Buzbee is the Donald Trump of Houston. According to the right wing Empower Texas PAC via the righter wing Texas Scorecard:
According to Buzbee, his candidacy is different because he is not a politician and can entirely self-fund his campaign. 
If he doesn't sound like Donald Trump no one will. There is a lot about Buzbee voters in Houston should be aware of, for instance, he held a yuge fundraiser for Donald Trump. He has donated over $1M including $308,000 to Gregg Abbott, $80,000 to Rick Perry, $35,000 to Trump Victory PAC, and $30,000 to the RNC. He has represented Rick Perry in his felony charge of abuse of power. After Bob Perry passed I believed Buzbee would fill the role of the sugar daddy of the Texas Republican Party. That may still happen.

Buzbee is an Aggie and a veteran serving tours in the Persian Gulf and Somalia. Prior to becoming wealthy, Buzbee was a Democrat. He was the chair of the Galveston County Democratic Party and ran as a Democrat for State Representative against Larry Taylor, and lost. He has sprinkled his money across both parties, including judicial candidates, possibly to gain favor from both for his non partisan run for Mayor. That usually doesn't work.

We have seen what a politically ignorant, wealthy, straight talking, non politician, has done to our Country. We surely do not need another one in the City of Houston.

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