Saturday, June 05, 2021

Who is the biggest republican kiss ass in Texas?

 They are lining up behind Donald trump's big ass.

George Pedro Bush. So far Pedro is leading the pack with his lips firmly planted on Trump's ass. Unfortunately not only is he kissing up to trump to court his racist base, he is isn't very good at disguising it. He not only is a kiss ass, he looks like a kiss ass, he acts like a kiss ass. A Texas sized kiss ass at that. Pedro is far behind others and needs to kiss trumps ass to catch up to the others, like Ken Paxton.

Ken Paxton. Ken may be an indicted crook but he ain't no dummy. He has worked hard at kissing up to Trump by leading a lawsuit to end the Affordable Care Act and to overturn the election that Trump lost. He has spent a considerable amount of tax dollars to do so and he is expecting Trump to endorse him over the younger kiss ass Pedro. 

Greg Abbott. Greg has had his lips so attached to trump's ass that the jaws of life would be needed to remove his head if Trump decided to stop too fast. He is leading the way to make it harder to vote for minorities and he followed Trump's irresponsible reaction to the COVID pandemic which ended the lives of thousands of Texans. Abbott has an advantage over Pedro and Paxton since he is at just the right height to continue his ass kissing.

There are more and they will surface as soon as a real conservative republican challenges them in the primary. Real conservatives are hard to find now a days. There are more conservatives in the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. They are now just a party of Qanons.

Texans don't generally like ass kissers, brown losers, suck ups.....unless they are in the Republican Party.

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