Thursday, March 25, 2021

While the State is making voting harder, Harris County makes it easier


Harris County continues to make great strides in making voting easier.

Yesterday I had a demonstration of the new voting machines that will be in use for the May 1, 2021 elections. Unlike the "wheel" the new machines by Hart InterCivic Verity Duo are intuitive, easy to use and has a PAPER BALLOT! 

The process is easy. Check in. Enter your code via a touch screen. Insert your blank paper ballot. If necessary adjust the size of the text. Using the touch screen, select the candidates of your choice. Review your selection then print your ballot. Verify it again then scan it in the scanning machine print to leaving.

The ballots are counted and stored for recount purposes. The touch screen does NOT count votes or store your selections. It just provides an easy way to select your candidates and prints your ballot. If by chance your ballot is not correct, the election judge will invalidate the ballot and you will start over.

Couple this new system with the ability to vote at any early voting center and any voting center on Election Day and voting has become much easier. The County also provides a wait time notice on their website to determine how long the lines are and provides the voter with the ability to go to a site with shorter lines.

Meanwhile our State Representative Dennis Paul is working hard to limit mail in ballots, make voter registration more difficult, and make it illegal to pass out water to those standing in line.


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