Friday, December 11, 2020

Texas republican Congressmen call for overturning the election

No Place but Texas. 

Remember when the Democrats in Texas called for the overturn of the election after trump won with the help of Russia? Neither do I.

The following Texas Congressmen have signed on in support of overturning the election like a bunch of whiny ass little bitches. Included in this list is the republican darling, Dan Crenshaw. Crenshaw will be running for president as a trump republican in 2024. This is who they are.

Missing from the list is Brian Babin (Racist) of Vidor.

Rep. Kevin Brady
Rep. Michael Burgess
Rep. Michael Cloud
Rep. Mike Conaway
Rep. Dan Crenshaw
Rep. Bill Flores
Rep. Louie Gohmert
Rep. Lance Gooden
Rep. Kenny Marchant
Rep. Randy Weber
Rep. Roger Williams
Rep. Ron Wright

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