Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How low can they go? The Harris County Republican Party


Yeow. What the living hell is going on with the Harris County Republican Party? 

There are strange things happening at the HCRP. Their chair posted a racist meme after the George Floyd killing. He lost his job at the Pasadena Planning Commission because of it. He was asked to resign by local Republicans including Congressmen Crenshaw, McCaul, Brady, and Lt Governor Dan Patrick. 149 Republican Chairs have called for his resignation. The Executive Committee also limited his spending power.

There is more. Or less. According to the Texas Ethics Commission the Party is broke. This time in 2016 the HCRP raised $450,000. Today they reported raising $12,000. In 2016 they had $350,000 8 days before the election. Now they have $11,000. Their Federal PAC has $1 Million but I do not see any of that money being spent to help the HCRP. Who is paying their rent?

And other tidbits. Here in the Bay Area the Bay Area Republican Women had a year round office. That has since closed, right before the election. Their record keeping with the Texas Ethics Commission is ripe for an ethics complaint and that might just get picked.

And now this. Fox26 out of Houston covered a press conference with the HCRP Chair and someone named Len Swanson the founding leader of some kind of militia. They had a 40 minute talkfest which included a prayer and the sounding of a horn. (I am not kidding) Living Blue in Texas has the entire conference on their blog. It's like watching a really bad movie that you just can't stop watching. I watched it. It was really, really, bad. I am sure Fox News wished they hadn't covered it. See for yourself.


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