Thursday, October 29, 2020

Harris County Republican Party to host a COVID superspreader event

You got to be kidding me.

The Harris County Republican Party is holding a Get Out the Vote rally and concert this Sunday. Now to be fair I've been to a GOTV rally recently but it was outside and required social distancing and masks. I doubt the HCRP has any intentions of being safe, after all, the COVID pandemic is still a hoax to many of them.

The event is sponsored by Chris Daniel a candidate for Harris County Tax Collector but there is no record of his campaign paying for the venue. The event features republican candidates and elected officials of  The Who's Who of Who's Dat. This includes Congressman Randy Weber of Galveston County, a handful of House candidates, the President of the Houston Professional Firefighters Association Marty Lancton, and Carmen Montiel Miss Venezuela. (seriously)

Missing in this field of COVID deniers are Wesley Hunt, candidate for CD7, Congressman Dan Crenshaw, Senator John Cornyn, Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Kevin Brady, Republican House members, and Lt Governor Dan Patrick. No shows. So far. 

So if you are interested in attending a super spreader event you have one right here in Houston during another wave of COVID. By the way, yesterday the United States recorded a record breaking 81,000 new COVID cases with Texas leading the way with over 7100.

Have fun!

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