Saturday, September 12, 2020

Harris County Republican Party adopts new logo


You can't make this stuff up.

The HCRP put out a new logo for the upcoming election. Great Opportunity Party, the GOP. I guess they think they are the party that can give you an opportunity. Here is a list of opportunities the GOP can give:

  • The opportunity to publicly display your racism on your pick-em-up truck
  • The opportunity to walk around in public dressed like GI Joe wearing body armor and a finger on a loaded AR-15
  • The opportunity to ignore science 
  • The opportunity to ignore laws
  • The opportunity to get sick and die
  • The opportunity to get others sick so they can die
  • The opportunity to lie, cheat, and steal 
  • The opportunity to work for less
  • The opportunity to work from home due to the mismanagement of the COVID crisis
  • The opportunity to send your kids to COVID classes
  • The opportunity to be an asshole
Well at least it is better than Gross Old Pharts.

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