Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls a no show at endorsements interview

He is just another trump loafer licker.

The Houston Chronicle has endorsed Democratic candidate Sri Preston Kulkarni for Congress in Texas Congressional District 22. According to the Chronicle:

Kulkarni, who notes he speaks six languages, told the editorial board that he would use his 14 years of experience of diplomacy to serve the diverse community as well as reach across the aisle to Republicans.

Nehls on the other hand didn't even show up for the interview. Nehls only raised about $500,000 for his primary and was left with only $29,000. His fundraising and who is donating money should be very interesting. Maybe the donors are just tired of the trump candidates like Nehls whose focus is on divisive rhetoric, or the fact Nehls was fired from the Richmond Police Force only to come back as a Sheriff, or that he supervised a racial profiling traffic scheme.

Kulkarni is a good candidate. He has excellent experience. He is very qualified, and he is a nice individual. You can't say that about Troy.

Or Trump. 

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