Monday, August 10, 2020

Baptists praise Texas Gov Greg Abbott's order to close bars

The Texas Association of Holy Evangelicals issued the following statement concerning the bar closures ordered by Governor Greg Abbott:

Praise the Lord for God's intervention and the courage of our great Governor. Since the repeal of the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution, Prohibition, the Baptists of Texas has urged state leaders to end the sale of alcohol in our great state. Alcohol in any form has contributed to the downfall of our great state, infecting young adults at the early age. It has resulted in alcoholism, addiction to drugs, unwanted pregnancies and adulterous activity. It truly is the devil's nectar. 

The members of the Association of Holy Evangelicals (ASSHOLES) are firmly behind Greg Abbott's and the Republican Party's order to close bars across Texas.

The ASSHOLES of the Republican Party will celebrate at the Redneck Bar and Grill Monday evening with an open bar.....oh wait....

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