Sunday, July 12, 2020

Texas Gov Greg Abbott: Republican teachers will go back to school

July 12, 2020 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued the following statement in response to concerns about opening schools during a pandemic:

The great state of Texas is under attack by an invisible enemy causing our great economy to collapse and parents of school aged children and our teachers worried about returning to school. Because of this concern my party will now lead the way just as I and President Trump have. When schools open in mid August all Republican teachers and children of republican voters will return to the class room. All others will teach and learn from the safety of their home.

According to the plan all republicans teachers and parents who return to in-person schools must self quarantine for at least 14 days from others including your neighbors, your family, and your friends. We ask that they shop for groceries through a delivery service. Shop for other items via Amazon or other online companies. Because they will be attending on a daily basis this quarantine will continue throughout the Fall semester and will begin once again in the Spring.

Following the guidelines created by Governor Abbott and by showing your courage as members of the Republican Party we will be able to show how to face this horrible, uncontrolled, killer, pandemic even though many will get sick and possibly die. I am proud to put the teachers and the children of parents who are republicans as guinea pigs for the good of the State and my political legacy.

If you voted for me in the past, you will be expected to show up.

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