Friday, July 17, 2020

Raising Campaign Cash: Texas CD22

After spending $7.5 Million Kathaleen Wall has lost. Again. Maybe she needs to try challenging Brian Babin in CD36. Her racist bullhorns might work there.

Tony Nehls only raised $517,000 and has only $29,000 cash on hand. This total includes about $120,000 since April 2020. For a Congressional candidate this is a very poor showing. He is lucky that this seat is a target for the Republican Party otherwise he would be on his own with no avenues of fundraising. This used to be a safe seat. That was the way it was drawn during re-districting. Now the party has to fight to keep it after Congressman Pete Olson cut and ran and left the seat open. They are also stuck with a Trump loyalist.

During that same time, April - July, Sri Preston Kulkarni raised almost $1 Million. He has raised $2.5 Million in total and has $1.2 Million cash on hand. He is clearly in the lead in money and enthusiasm.

Nehls is another Wall without the money. He supports Trump's racist behavior but will distance himself from him as if he was a baby in a poopy diaper at a pool party. He will have a hard time trying to wipe Trump's stink off of him over the next couple of months.

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