Wednesday, July 08, 2020

COVID Cowards won’t attend GOP COVID Convention

After refusing to cancel the in person convention for the Texas Republican Party the elected officials responsible will not be attending themselves. Instead they will address the COVID Convention by video. From the Texas Tribune:

“All the elected officials are switching from a live, in-person speech to videos,” Kyle Whatley, the party’s executive director, said during a town hall livestreamed Tuesday night. “They’re doing that for us in order to focus all the attention on the business of the meeting and to get everybody in and out of here as quickly and as safely as possible.”
“Just because there are 6000 stupid people willing to attend a COVID Convention in person, in a Petri dish,  doesn’t mean we have to subject our families to this virus by also attending”

Ok. That last sentence is satire but it’s probably what they are thinking. Cowards like Patrick and Abbott are afraid of the virus as well as taking the stage and being booed for screwing up the response to the virus. I bet most of the attendees will cancel. 

At least they can bring their guns in case they need to shoot the virus. 

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