Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Texas GOP to wear hoods, not masks, at their COVID Conference in Houston

According to The Texas Tribune:
Gov. Greg Abbott is allowing limits on outdoor crowds — but not indoor gatherings. His party's convention — with an expected attendance of 6,000 — so far will not require attendees to wear face masks.
This is nothing but a COVID Convention with an outbreak about to happen right here in Houston. How many people are going to be exposed to this group of morons? How many convention workers? How many hotel workers? Abbott, the Mensa of the Coronavirus response is about to close down the state but I am sure he will allow his party to have their fill of COVID and allowing them to possibly spread the disease to Houstonians.

They will probably stick to firm rules. No Mexicans, Muslims, non-Christians, Jews, teachers, sick, poor, and others. No masks will be allowed. Only hoods. Wear them proudly.

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