Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Democratic Primary wrapup. The good. The bad. The ugly.

Well that was fun?

The Good.
Democrats came out to vote in record numbers to take their party back from the socialists candidates running as Democrats. As I have said in the past, we need to stop non-Democrats from running in our Party.

MJ Hegar and State Senator Royce West will be in a runoff. MJ recieved 22% of the vote with Senator West with 13.8%. Cristina Ramirez received 13.7% of the vote and missed the runoff.

Sri Preston Kulkarni will represent the Democratic Party in CD22 after beating Pearland Councilman Derrick Reed, and hammering Nyanza Moore. Sri is a great candidate and his campaign will be one to watch. Reed should consider running for another office. He is an impressive candidate. Moore should go back to Fox News.

New comer, Christian Menefee, squeaked out a win to move onto the general election by 50.17% for Harris County District Attorney. DA Ogg, Sheriff Gonzalez, and Ann Bennett, easily won.

The Bad.
Three of our outstanding Judges, Weiman, Kirkland, and Moore, were defeated. It boggles my mind why anyone would have challenged these individuals and why anyone would vote to replace them. They are great judges. They earned their positions on the bench. They were doing a great job and representing Harris County very well. Why would anyone challenge someone like that?

And The ugly
In the race for Harris County Constable, the cousin of Constable Chris Diaz Jerry Garcia, did his job by taking 10% of the vote. Jerry Garcia, who has absolutely no experience in law enforcement, quit the race right after sealing his name on the ballot. The other Jerry Garcia, a life long law enforcement official still beat Diaz by 39-34. This is so dishonest. Diaz should do the honorable thing and concede the race. In the runoff there will only be one Jerry Garcia on the ballot. I wonder if Diaz cousin will endorse him?

Is there more to report? Probably. Maybe later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"They earned their positions on the bench."

That's a silly reason to demand no opposition. You're just saying that they're in office so they shouldn't be challenged.

If their challengers win, they will have earned their positions on the bench.