Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Gary Gates another rich, Trump loving, Tony Buzbee

OMG. It's Tony Buzbee all over again only worse.

Gary Gates is running for House District 28. Just like Tony Buzbee he is self financing his campaign with over $1 Million as of Dec 31. Like Buzbee he is a Trump loving republican but unlike Buzbee he has some extra ugly baggage. From the Texas Tribune:

Forward Majority's spot is based on accusations that CPS staffers made against Gates and his wife, Melissa, after the agency removed the couple's 13 children — 11 adopted — from their Houston-area home in 2000, saying the kids were in "immediate danger." A few days later, a judge sent the children back home — but he was disturbed by the claims, the Houston Press reported at the time, and emphasized he was only seeking to determine whether the "emergency removal was appropriate, not whether these children have been abused."

13 children? Besides this latest tidbit, Gates is just one of many republicans buying their way into office. Money Mayes Middleton spent $2.5 Million to win a House seat in Galveston. Kathleen Wall spent $6 Million just to come in 3rd place. She is doing it again in CD22. Others include Angela Paxton, Patrick Fallon, Joan Huffman, Matthew Rinaldi (he quit), Don Huffines, and did I mention Tony Buzbee?


Anonymous said...

Yes, 13 children. He has adopted numerous special-needs minority children from CPS custody and given them a good home.

You know how abortion enthusiasts always say "well why don't you adopt the kids nobody wants?" He did.

One day CPS hauled the children away in a paddy wagon. The accusations against Gates and his wife were dismissed. In response to CPS' abuses, a federal judge ruled that the agency must change its processes and submit to judicial oversight.

Bay Area Houston said...

so....what do you think about him buying a seat? Like Buzbee tried?