Sunday, January 19, 2020

Constable Chris Diaz's cousin quits the race for his seat

NOTE: The Harris County Democratic Party has changed their mind. The unqualified Jerry Garcia will still be on the ballot and the votes will be counted.

I've reached out to Constable Diaz but did not hear back from him.

Constable Chris Diaz had a strange challenger, his wife's cousin, Jerry Garcia. What made it even stranger Garcia had absolutely no experience in law enforcement. None. Zero. Zip. And to top it off the other challenger to Constable Diaz was also named Jerry Garcia! The second Garcia is actually a Lt in the Constable's office. He has a lifetime of law enforcement experience. He is well qualified for the job unlike Diaz's cousin.

Unqualified Garcia wasn't actually running. He had no website. He wasn't going to raise money. He didn't appoint a treasurer. He wasn't campaigning. And now, he has quit the race but not early enough to have his name removed from the ballot. Any votes he receives will not be counted but mission accomplished! Confusion has been created on the ballot.

Strange? Coincidence? Or was this a coordinated effort to confuse voters by Diaz, his cousin, and his wife? Not quite sure how we could determine this. Maybe a civil suit could do it?

Both Garcia's will be on the ballot. The qualified Garcia will be on the top of the ballot as Lt. Jerry Garcia. Go vote for him if you live in that district.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lieutenant Jerry Garcia is the leader we need for our community, he has the experience!!!