Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Trojan Horse in the race for Harris County Sheriff

UPDATE: Gonzales has withdrawn from the Democratic Primary for Sheriff less than 24 hours after he signed up.

This is what the Republican Party has become.

Monday a last minute candidate came forward to run in the Democratic Primary against Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez. His name is Oscar Gonzales, with an "s", and he isn't a Democrat. According to Oscar's voting record he is a triple R, voting in not only the last 3 Republican Party primaries, but every republican primary for the last 10 years.

Maybe he was encouraged by the Harris County Republican Party to run against a real Democrat with a similar last name. I've seen this tactic before with Dave Wilson poising as a Democrat and distributing misleading information much like Eric Dick has done. It's a cheap trick to possibly confuse voters in the Democratic Primary and split the vote.

It's dishonest. It's so republican. It's what they have become.

1 comment:

Kim K said...

Thank you for exposing this. Glad we have someone like you keeping people honest and getting this information out to the public.