Thursday, March 28, 2019

Why do you have to be a dick about everything: Mark Tice

Mark Tice. From the Baytown Sun

UPDATE: Commissioner Tice responded with a form letter concerning him say "English this is not Mexico". Here it is:

Sadly, this story has been turned into something it’s not. In know way were my comments centered around race. The intention behind my statement had to do with the fact that questions were being asked in Spanish and answered in Spanish, with no interpretation being given in English... or into any other language that many other Houstonians speak. This is about getting information out to people in an emergency situation in the most effective way possible. That is all. In my opinion, the structure of the press conference could have been better put together. I sincerely apologize if the way I said things landed in a way that was offensive or derogatory... that was absolutely not my motive. Some of my best friends in life are Hispanic. This narrative that’s being painted of me couldn’t be further from the truth.

I just don't get it. It is 2019 not 1819.

Why do we have to continue to call out elected officials from the Republican Party to stop saying things that are racist? It begs the question "Why do you have to be a dick about everything?". Todays official Chambers Commissioner Mark Tice joins Trump, Gohmert, the Harris County Republican Party, Sid Miller, and Stan Stanart for being a dick. About everything.

From the NBC News:
The commissioner, Mark Tice, of Chambers County, posted a comment saying “English this is not Mexico,” after Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo — the first Latina and first woman elected as the county's top executive — addressed constituents and reporters from English and Spanish language media outlets on a briefing Monday that was streamed on CBS affiliate KHOU’s Facebook page.In the same comment, Tice said Hidalgo was “a joke.”
Tice has since closed his Facebook page after having a couple of conversations with individuals who did not appreciate his comment. Before shooting his mouth off he might have actually listened to the press conference. Judge Hidalgo was answer questions in Spanish as a response to questions asked in Spanish.
Unlike Tice, Judge Lina Hidalgo is intelligent enough to speak multiple languages. 

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