I just can't believe Emmitt would ask this question in a mailer. In a previous post I have said No on Ed:
Emmett had the opportunity to restore his party to what it once was, a party that campaigned on “Family values” instead of family separation. A party that embraced facts and figures instead of deception, dishonesty and lies. A party that respected the rule of law instead of ignoring the law based upon who rules. He had the opportunity to stop his party from further moral erosion when their leader mocked a disabled American or a woman debate moderator. He had the opportunity to use his leadership to stop his party from unleashing angry, hateful attacks on Hispanics, Muslims, teachers, women, civil servants, the disabled, the gay community, and other constituents. Instead he sat quietly in the corner. This is a failure by Judge Emmett of moral leadership.So Emmett has asked a good question. Where was Ed Emmett
Where was Emmett when his County Clerk, Stan Stanart, was posting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on his re-election website?
Where was Emmett when his County Clerk was not following the law at the polling locations?
Where was Emmett when his party went off on a racist tangent?
Where was Emmett when his party dismantled the Affordable Care Act leaving us to pay the County's bills for those who cannot afford health care?
Where was Emmett when his president mocked a disabled American?
Where was Emmett when the leader of his party called for massive tariffs?
Where was Emmett when his party passed the right to walk around with an AR-15 in public agains the wishes of law enforcement?
Where was Emmett when his party wasted money on a bathroom bill targeting the transgender community?
I'll tell you where Ed was. He was hunkered down in a dark corner waiting for the racist storm of his party to pass by before he sticks his head out and act like he cares. I cant give Ed a pass on this. I can't give anyone with an (R) behind their name a pass. As far as I am concerned the (R) does not stand for Republican anymore.
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