Sunday, November 18, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez takes on the Democratic Party (sort of)

Newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn't taken the oath of office or located the bathrooms in the Capitol but she has started her ill advised campaign to oust other Democrats from Congress in 2020.  Ocasio is a lightning rod for the media, both good and bad. She is a a dream candidate for media folks especially the right wing looking to paint the Party as socialists.

Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), implored more than 700 attendees of a Justice Democrats strategy call to run for office against incumbent Democrats as well as Republicans in their home districts.
Justice Democrats didn't perform very well. According to Justice Democrats they elected 7 of their endorsed candidates to Congress. 2 were incumbents in deep blue districts. 1 was unopposed.  4 were all in very blue districts wiping out their general election opponents. It's not like they were endorsing in tough competitive states like Texas, although those they did lost. All of them. One raised over a $1 Million and lost 70-30 in the primary.

Bernie's Sanders Brand New Congress didn't fare any better. Ocasio was endorsed by both. She was the only one that won from the Brand New Congress. Out of 31 candidates recruited, only 1 won in a deep blue district. Here are the results of Sander's Brand New Congress campaign:

31 candidates in the Brand New Congress
  • 20 lost in the primaries
  • 11 advanced to the general election
  • 8 were Democrats
  • 2 were Socialists
  • 1 was an Independent
  • 10 lost in the general
  • 1 won in the general (Ocasio -Socialist)
James Thompson
Candidate for House of Representatives - KS-04
Lost 60-40
Raised $1.4 Million
Lost against the Native American Woman Sharice Davids

Zak Ringelstein

Candidate for United States Senate - ME
Lost 55-10 (I-54 R-35 D-10)
Raised $360,000 with $217,000 loan
Only won 10% of the vote

Dr. Rob Davidson 

Candidate for House of Representatives - MI-02
Lost 55-43
Raised $1 Million with $60,000 loan

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Socialist Party)

Candidate for House of Representatives - NY-14
Won 78-13
Raised $1.8 Million

Marc Whitmire (Independent)

Candidate for House of Representatives - TN-02
Lost 65-33
Raised $4100 with $1,000 loan

Dr. Danielle Mitchell

Candidate for House of Representatives - TN-03
Lost 63-34
Raised $268,000 with $1000 loan

Lorie Burch

Candidate for House of Representatives - TX-03
Lost 54-44
Raised $292,000 with $26,000 loan

Vanessa Adia 

Candidate for House of Representatives - TX-12
Lost 64-34
Raised $200,000

Adrienne Bell

Candidate for House of Representatives - TX-14
Lost 60-40

Linsey Fagan

Candidate for House of Representatives - TX-26
Lost 60-38
Raised $164,000

Sarah Smith (Socialist Party)

Candidate for House of Representatives - WA-09
Lost 68-31
Raised $114,000

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