Tuesday, October 23, 2018

TX Congressman Pete Olson's pre-existing condition

Many Texans have a pre-existing condition including Congressman Pete Olson from Sugarland.

During one of the very few town hall meetings Pete has had with his constituents he discussed how he fainted during a workout in the Capital gym. According to CNN:
“While working out in the House gym, I got quite dizzy and fainted,” Olson said in the note sent Friday by his campaign committee. “After being rushed to George Washington University Hospital, it was determined that I had a condition called bradycardia, which is medical talk for a slow heart beat. Whatever they call it, it wasn't good and I don't recommend it.”
Unlike Pete, most Texans will find their insurance that covers pre-existing conditions will be cut allowing the insurance company to raise premiums or opt not to cover your family in your time of need. Lucky for Pete his insurance, provided by the Federal Government, and paid by tax dollars has always covered pre-existing conditions and will alway cover them.

Pete is working hard to relieve the insurance industry from having to cover pre-existing conditions in your family while knowing his slow heart beat will always be covered. He and his family will always be covered and protected but if the lawsuit Pete supports lead by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is successful you family will not.

Pete also suffers from a condition called "cold hearted".

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